Staffing Kansas City

Staffing that Incorporates the Human Element

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When given the choice of two options, it’s reasonable to think that you’d naturally choose the better option. While “better” is subjective, there’s a good chance that this option is more appealing in one way or another because it improves your life or makes you feel better about the choice made. This is true from everything from the ingredients you choose for a meal, the environments you desire to spend time in, and the staffing expectations for your workplace.

Rethinking the VMS Option

If you find yourself in agreement with the above options, it would also make sense that as a business owner you wish to hire the best employees for your business, those with the right skill sets and personalities, the first time around. After all, a successful business is built around employees who make the business better through the choices they make as well as the teamwork and soft skills they bring to the job.

Based on this logic, why would anyone choose to work with a Staffing provider who still employs a Vendor Management System (VMS)? One reason might be that the VMS seemed like a good option when they were looking to streamline the hiring process or needed to assess workforce spending. While these are both valid reasons, they fail to address one of the most important elements of a successful staffing process, employment of the human element.

Reasons to Abandon the VMS

  • Jobs often go to the lowest bidder
  • Inability to know candidates
  • Employers don’t receive best workers
  • Productivity and output subjectivity
  • Short-term solutions to long-term problems

Real People Hiring Real People

The working world is changing and it’s changing fast. Outsourced and remote work environments, evolving technology and new generations of Millennial and Gen Y workers mean it’s no longer business as usual, and a staffing solution that treats people as commodities is no long appropriate for workplace hiring.

People talking to people is really the only way to assess how well someone is prepared to work in a particular workplace. A face-to-face interaction between a staffing expert and a potential candidate allows both individuals to be more comfortable, allowing the true personalities of each to shine through, something a faceless VMS assessment could never accurately predict.

Personnel Services with a Personal Touch

Our staffing experts believe every good employer/employee match begins with a solid relationship. Before placing candidates, we look beyond the job description to identify how the individual can add to the company culture and provide a set of skills that will allow the candidate to thrive and an employer to be more productive. This level of relationship building is why Staffing Kansas City remains a trusted client resource for great candidates and a sought-after choice for those looking for their next position.

This article is brought to you by Staffing Kansas City, a full-service Kansas City employment agency that provides contract-to-hire, direct hire and temporary employment placement services.