Staffing Kansas City

Using Hiring Technology with A Personal Touch


Over the past month, we have seen drastic changes around how companies are working and hiring. In times when remote is the only option, job recruiters and the candidates are stepping up to learn a variety of new tech tools as an alternative to in-person interviewing. A recent article from Human Resources Today offered ways to make video interviewing a better experience for the recruiter and the candidate.

Using the Tech Effectively

  1. Make sure all users understand the video platform, technology and skills needed for the interview or meeting.
  2. Determine a quiet place in advance to test the audio and video components, including finding a flattering angle for the camera.
  3. Dress professionally for the video call and choose a location with an uncluttered background that will not distract the viewer(s).
  4. Gaze into the camera rather than looking at the candidate on screen, which can create a downcast appearance.
  5. Strive to enhance the humanness of the experience by thanking the candidate for their flexibility and offering guidance on a timeline for follow-ups.

Humans vs Technology

While people have always been a part of the hiring equation, the push to digitize as much information as possible often shifts the human element to the background. This is unfortunate when you consider how much of the interview process and the work to hire is all about the person – the interviewer and the interviewee.

It is important to look for opportunities to emphasize the human element in tech. Most candidates (77%) prefer human interaction and 76% find value in working with a person rather than simply relying on technology, according to a survey from the American Staffing Association. And remember no matter how great the technology may be, humans still excel in discernment and reasoning in a way few technological applications can match.

Personal Touch

This explains why working with staffing and recruiting agencies remains one of the top five ways to land a job. Recruiters know the needs of the company and the candidates they represent in order to make a successful match.

Businesses who choose to work with Staffing Kansas City benefit from timely hiring practices that place only the most qualified candidates in front of the hiring manager. Candidates who work with Staffing Kansas City benefit from the advocacy of a recruiter who is in tune with their skills and expectations. A candidate who is a good fit is more likely to succeed, creating a positive impact on the candidate and the company.