Staffing Kansas City

Happy New Year to All as We Welcome in 2023!

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2022 had its ups and downs, but we look back with gratitude for a very busy and productive year. As we welcome in 2023, Staffing Kansas City’s focus in the new year will be to continue to offer our clients the best job candidates in the most cost-effective way and provide employment opportunities to Kansas City’s top talent.


My New Year’s Resolution is to spend as much time as possible with my family, my horses and my dogs. To work on self-care, working out and eating right. Mainly family, family, family, horses, horses, horses and dogs!!


My focus this New Year is to strive to be more kind, patient, compassionate, loving, caring and giving. To enjoy my family and my friends that I have been so blessed with and to take more time outdoors, especially at the lake. (The clean one, Table Rock Lake.) 😉


Looking at 2023, I am setting a New Year’s Resolution to do something that scares/challenges me! I am still working through what that is, BUT I am excited about it! I also have a recurring goal to read more books in the new year than I did the previous year….I am at 55 books for 2022, so that will be a big goal to beat!


I think the main thing I want to focus on more is putting my thoughts down on paper. This could be in the form of a journal or perhaps even the beginning of writing a book. You never know what can develop! I think the process can be one of discovery and may be rewarding for me. To write my thoughts and actions down and to learn more about myself through self-reflection.


My New Year’s Resolution is to continue to improve my physical/mental well-being. I will achieve this by reading more books, being active and simply enjoying time with family and friends. I would also like to donate my free time by volunteering at an animal shelter. In the new year, I would like to practice GRATITUDE more than anything. I will do anything and everything that makes my heart full! 😊