Staffing Kansas City

Hire the Right Person the First Time

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Hiring the Right Job Candidate Doesn’t Have to Be a Game of Chance

Employees are an indispensable element of every business. So why do so many smart business owners leave something as important as hiring to chance? Knowing how critical it is to find and place the right candidates the first time leads to an important question. Where does one find those great hires? And how does a company secure those individuals who are ready to bring their best to the table?

These are the people employers want to hire. But where should such a search start? Anyone hiring in a candidate-driven market knows the challenge of finding these great options. Too often these individuals are either already happily engaged in a job or they are in high demand with several organizations. For the job seeker, it’s a good problem to have but for the employer it can spell a drawn-out hiring process.

Attracting superior job candidates requires more than posting an ad and hoping for the best. This process can waste time and money waiting for the right person to appear. Instead, why not save precious resources by teaming with a staffing agency to engage with pre-sourced candidates? Pre-sourcing pre-qualifies job seekers for a position. This proven process moves beyond merely looking for a match between skills, traits and experiences. Pre-sourcing is a great way to match an applicant to a list of KPIs (key performance indicators) the new hire needs to hit in the first year.

“Performance-based hiring”, means defining the job through performance objectives and not just skills and traits. Applicants can share prior successes and capabilities using the story of their skills as it relates to the 5 to 6 tasks defined by the manager that the hire needs to hit to be successful.

These stories help illustrate how an individual handled this kind of work in the past and demonstrates how such experiences apply to the current opening. This can be true even if their skills and experience differ from the job description. The ability to look beyond a simple list of skills and prior qualifications is one of the many reasons hiring is more successful when a client works with a staffing agency. Recruiters offer years of professional experience spent evaluating candidates and their fit within an industry.

The recruiters of Staffing Kansas City ensure our clients hire the right match every time. Cumulatively, we bring more than 40 years of experience in matching the right person to the right organization. We consistently deliver successful placements because we understand the unique needs of our candidates and clients. We are a successful woman-owned business and those who work with us know they are in capable hands. We will always present the best candidates for the skillset needed, culture, and workplace environment.