Staffing Kansas City

Feelings of Gratitude and Blessings this Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is a time to pause and reflect on the things that truly matter. At Staffing Kansas City, we are thankful for our wonderful clients, dedicated employees, and the opportunity to do what we love every day. Placing top talent with our clients is rewarding but knowing that we are all a part of building a strong community and economy, that’s teamwork!

From all of us at Staffing Kansas City, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with love, gratitude, and cherished moments with family and friends.


I am thankful for my sons, Sammy and Dustin. They are the light to my fire.

I am thankful for my strong group of friends and family that I love fiercely, and I get that love back.

I am thankful for my dogs and horses that love me unconditionally.

I am thankful to live in the United States of America where I feel safe and have freedoms that some other countries do not allow.

I am thankful I have a roof over my head and food to eat. (This is a quote from my son Sammy when asked if he got an allowance when he was young.)


I am thankful for my son, who taught me the meaning of selfless love; he brings joy to my life. I thank God for my family, my friends and all my blessings. The conversation at get-togethers always includes, “We’ve already won the lottery, we are blessed beyond belief.”

I am thankful that my job is gratifying in that we change people’s lives every day. I am also thankful that the promise of eternal salvation and God’s strength gets me through life’s challenges.


I am always thankful for my family, friends, my country and my life full of blessings. I am thankful that I get up on the right side of the bed every day and hope to make a positive impact on all those I meet in my day by being positive, friendly and helpful. The Thanksgiving season drives home my appreciation for all these things in my life.


This year I am thankful for my two beautiful, healthy kids because even on the hard days, they are my greatest blessings!

This year I am thankful for my faith in God and my church community.

I am thankful for the ability to help people find meaningful work and help companies grow.

I am thankful for our freedoms we have living in the best country in the world!

I am thankful for the hope I have moving into the new year!


I am thankful for my husband, family, friends and dog. They are truly my biggest blessings! I am thankful for the ability to recognize each day the gift that God gives us and to be present in this breath of life! Grateful for my health and happiness. 😊