Staffing Kansas City

Factoring in the Generational Component

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At various times in our life we witness shifts initiated by the generation of people creating the change. This statement can bring to mind decade-related evolutions of the past such as the peace-loving anti-war movement of the sixties or the Me culture of greed created by the yuppies in the eighties. Often these kind of extensive changes seem more evident in the rear-view mirror and can be more difficult to see when happening in the present moment. Whether you realize it or not, there is a similar movement happening in the work world as we speak.

A Growing Emphasis on the Role of the Individual

The dynamic of the workplace is changing rapidly. An influx of new technologies and the influence of social media channels mean it’s no longer business as usual. A workplace attempting to hold these things at arm’s length is most likely finding these elements coming closer and closer into the dynamic of day-to-day business. For this you can thank the individual influences of Generations X (age 35-45), Millennials (age 18-34) and Generation Y (under age 18). The collective influences of these three groups mean a dramatic shift in workplace culture is underway, one that’s light years away from the team mentality cultivated under a generation of Baby Boomers. These younger generations are single-handedly shifting the workplace dynamic to one that emphasizes the role of the individual. For employers, this means it’s more important than ever to understand the critical role individual growth opportunities and company culture will play in retaining employees over the long run.

The Influence of Culture on Hiring

Just consider, a mere 13% of current employees see themselves as highly engaged at work, according to recent research from Deloitte. As a result, a workplace revolution that redefines traditional hiring and interviewing, annual performance reviews and expectations of what defines long-term employment (two to three years) are present on the immediate horizon. Changing expectations among the new majority of employees from the Generation X and Millennial generations means companies who want to positively impact job engagement and employee retention must reassess and address how business gets done. Employee engagement occurring on a regular basis can be one of the best ways to do this through strong company branding, human recruitment and hiring with an emphasis on the individual, and constant internal communication and feedback.

Be Proactive to Grow and Retain

In the immediate environment of social media and new technologies, job seekers have the potential to grow impatient with companies that appear behind the times. This mismatch between employers and potential employees could mean employers are unknowingly missing out on good candidates who are unwilling to continue with out-of-date hiring practices. When in doubt, take look at current hiring methods and view them from the perspective of a potential employee because these individuals will soon make up the majority of employees in your business. As someone once wisely said, the times are a’ changin’.

This article is brought to you by Staffing Kansas City, a full-service Kansas City employment agency that provides contract-to-hire, direct hire and temporary employment placement services.